=================== Storlets Invocation =================== Once the storlet and its dependencies are deployed the storlet is ready for invocation. Storlets can be invoked in 2 ways: 1. Invocation upon GET. In this case the user gets a transformation of the object residing in the store (as opposed to the actual object). Typical use case for GET is anonimization, where the user might not have access to a certain data unless it is being anonymized by some storlet. 2. Invocation upon PUT. In this case the data kept in the store is a transformation of the object uploaded by the user (as opposed to the actual uploaded data or metadata). A typical use case is metadata enrichment, where a Storlet extracts format specific metadata from the uploaded data and adds it as Swift metadata. Invocation involves adding an extra header to the Swift original PUT/GET requests. Following our Identity Storlet example given in , here are invocation examples. This time the examples make use of the python swift client. Invocation on GET ================= The code below shows the invocation. Some notes: #. There are invocations with and without a parameter controlling whether the get42 binary dependency is to be called. Note the difference in the response headers where one shows the execution result and the other does not. #. Note the X-Run-Storlet header. being added to the call. #. Note the X-Generate-Log storlet that causes a log file to be created. The execution results below show the log retrieval. :: from swiftclient import client as c def get_processed_object(url, token, storlet_name, container_name, object_name, invoke_get42 = False): headers = {'X-Run-Storlet': storlet_name, 'X-Storlet-Generate-Log' : 'True'} if (invoke_get42 == True): querystring = 'execute=true' else: querystring = None response_headers, object_content = c.get_object(url, token, container_name, object_name, query_string = querystring, response_dict=dict(), headers = headers) print response_headers print object_content AUTH_IP = '' AUTH_PORT = '5000' ACCOUNT = 'service' USER_NAME = 'swift' PASSWORD = 'passw0rd' os_options = {'tenant_name': ACCOUNT} url, token = c.get_auth("http://" + AUTH_IP + ":" + AUTH_PORT + "/v2.0", ACCOUNT +":"+USER_NAME, PASSWORD, os_options = os_options, auth_version="2.0") print 'Identity Storlet invocation without calling get42' get_processed_object(url, token, 'identitystorlet-1.0.jar', 'myobjects', 'source.txt') print 'Identity Storlet invocation instructing to call get42' get_processed_object(url, token, 'identitystorlet-1.0.jar', 'myobjects', 'source.txt', True) Here is the result of the running the above python script: :: eranr@lnx-ccs8:/tmp$ python get_object_with_storlet.py Identity Storlet invocation without calling get42 { 'x-object-meta-x-object-meta-testkey': 'tester', 'transfer-encoding': 'chunked', 'accept-ranges': 'bytes', 'x-object-meta-testkey': 'tester', 'last-modified': 'Tue, 30 Sep 2014 22:07:42 GMT', 'etag': '8ca2a24dbd9779d462c66866c0fb90c3', 'x-timestamp': '1412114861.90504', 'x-trans-id': 'tx464a488a618e44b5b763d-00542baa25', 'date': 'Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:15:50 GMT', 'x-object-meta-type': 'SBUS_FD_INPUT_OBJECT', 'content-type': 'application/octet-stream' } Some content to copy Identity Storlet invocation instructing to call get42 { 'x-object-meta-execution result': '42', 'x-object-meta-x-object-meta-testkey': 'tester', 'transfer-encoding': 'chunked', 'accept-ranges': 'bytes', 'x-object-meta-testkey': 'tester', 'last-modified': 'Tue, 30 Sep 2014 22:07:42 GMT', 'etag': '8ca2a24dbd9779d462c66866c0fb90c3', 'x-timestamp': '1412114861.90504', 'x-trans-id': 'tx12a4f2a168804dcabf8fc-00542baa26', 'date': 'Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:15:50 GMT', 'x-object-meta-type': 'SBUS_FD_INPUT_OBJECT', 'content-type': 'application/octet-stream' } Some content to copy We now show a download of the log file generated per the X-Storlet-Generate-Log header. Again, we use the swift client assuming we have the appropriate environment variables in place. Note that the log reflects the two invocations done above. :: eranr@lnx-ccs8:/tmp$ swift download storletlog identitystorlet.log identitystorlet.log [headers 0.243s, total 0.243s, 0.001 MB/s] eranr@lnx-ccs8:/tmp$ cat identitystorlet.log About to invoke storlet IdentityStorlet Invoked Storlet invocation done About to invoke storlet IdentityStorlet Invoked Exec = /home/swift/identitystorlet/get42 Exit code = 42 Storlet invocation done Invocation on PUT ================= the code below shows the invocation. Some notes: #. As with the GET example there are invocations with and without a parameter controlling whether the get42 binary dependency is to be called. After each put we do a GET and print the response headers to show the difference between the invocations. See below. #. As with the GET example we add the X-Run-Storlet header. #. This time we do not add the X-Generate-Log header, which is the recommended way, as it saves a creation of an object. :: import random import string from swiftclient import client as c def put_processed_object(url, token, storlet_name, container_name, object_name, file_name_to_upload, invoke_get42 = False): headers = {'X-Run-Storlet': storlet_name, 'X-Storlet-Generate-Log' : 'True'} if (invoke_get42 == True): querystring = 'execute=true' else: querystring = None fileobj = open(file_name_to_upload,'r') random_md = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(32)) headers = {'X-Run-Storlet': 'identitystorlet-1.0.jar', 'X-Object-Meta-Testkey' : random_md} c.put_object(url, token, container_name, object_name, fileobj, headers = headers, query_string = querystring, response_dict=dict()) resp_headers, saved_content = c.get_object( url, token, container_name, object_name, response_dict=dict()) print resp_headers AUTH_IP = '' AUTH_PORT = '5000' ACCOUNT = 'service' USER_NAME = 'swift' PASSWORD = 'passw0rd' os_options = {'tenant_name': ACCOUNT} url, token = c.get_auth("http://" + AUTH_IP + ":" + AUTH_PORT + "/v2.0", ACCOUNT +":"+USER_NAME, PASSWORD, os_options = os_options, auth_version="2.0") print 'Identity Storlet invocation without calling get42' put_processed_object(url, token, 'identitystorlet-1.0.jar', 'myobjects', 'source.txt', '/tmp/source.txt') print 'Identity Storlet invocation instructing to call get42' put_processed_object(url, token, 'identitystorlet-1.0.jar', 'myobjects', 'source.txt', '/tmp/source.txt' , True) Here is the result of the running the above python script: :: eranr@lnx-ccs8:/tmp$ python put_object_with_storlet.py Identity Storlet invocation without calling get42 { 'content-length': '1024', 'x-object-meta-x-object-meta-testkey': '1185FZ5FPQ1WXS9IDT4TZZB6GYAQQ0WL', 'accept-ranges': 'bytes', 'x-object-meta-testkey': '1185FZ5FPQ1WXS9IDT4TZZB6GYAQQ0WL', 'last-modified': 'Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:48:56 GMT', 'etag': '7575c5b098f45ccabce1c3f7fc906eb9', 'x-timestamp': '1412149735.87168', 'x-trans-id': 'tx9a27ba91bee34a8ca9f0c-00542bb1e7', 'date': 'Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:48:55 GMT', 'x-object-meta-type': 'SBUS_FD_INPUT_OBJECT', 'content-type': 'text/plain' } Identity Storlet invocation instructing to call get42 { 'x-object-meta-execution result': '42', 'content-length': '1024', 'x-object-meta-x-object-meta-testkey': '54YA1EDTTODMBUJOYCHEGSOQQPV0180L', // This looks like a bug 'accept-ranges': 'bytes', 'x-object-meta-testkey': '54YA1EDTTODMBUJOYCHEGSOQQPV0180L', 'last-modified': 'Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:48:56 GMT', 'etag': '7575c5b098f45ccabce1c3f7fc906eb9', 'x-timestamp': '1412149735.97100', 'x-trans-id': 'txde8619a966c14b0c99d97-00542bb1e8', 'date': 'Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:48:56 GMT', 'x-object-meta-type': 'SBUS_FD_INPUT_OBJECT', 'content-type': 'text/plain' }