Storlets Invocation

Once the storlet and its dependencies are deployed the storlet is ready for invocation. Storlets can be invoked in 2 ways:

  1. Invocation upon GET. In this case the user gets a transformation of the object residing in the store (as opposed to the actual object). Typical use case for GET is anonimization, where the user might not have access to a certain data unless it is being anonymized by some storlet.
  2. Invocation upon PUT. In this case the data kept in the store is a transformation of the object uploaded by the user (as opposed to the actual uploaded data or metadata). A typical use case is metadata enrichment, where a Storlet extracts format specific metadata from the uploaded data and adds it as Swift metadata.

Invocation involves adding an extra header to the Swift original PUT/GET requests. Following our Identity Storlet example given in <>, here are invocation examples. This time the examples make use of the python swift client.

Invocation on GET

The code below shows the invocation. Some notes:

  1. There are invocations with and without a parameter controlling whether the get42 binary dependency is to be called. Note the difference in the response headers where one shows the execution result and the other does not.
  2. Note the X-Run-Storlet header. being added to the call.
  3. Note the X-Generate-Log storlet that causes a log file to be created. The execution results below show the log retrieval.
from swiftclient import client as c

def get_processed_object(url, token, storlet_name, container_name, object_name, invoke_get42 = False):
    headers = {'X-Run-Storlet': storlet_name,
               'X-Storlet-Generate-Log' : 'True'}
    if (invoke_get42 == True):
        querystring = 'execute=true'
        querystring = None

    response_headers, object_content = c.get_object(url,
                                          query_string = querystring,
                                          headers = headers)
    print response_headers
    print object_content

AUTH_IP = ''
AUTH_PORT = '5000'
ACCOUNT = 'service'
USER_NAME = 'swift'
PASSWORD = 'passw0rd'
os_options = {'tenant_name': ACCOUNT}

url, token = c.get_auth("http://" + AUTH_IP + ":" + AUTH_PORT + "/v2.0", ACCOUNT +":"+USER_NAME, PASSWORD, os_options = os_options, auth_version="2.0")
print 'Identity Storlet invocation without calling get42'
get_processed_object(url, token, 'identitystorlet-1.0.jar', 'myobjects', 'source.txt')
print 'Identity Storlet invocation instructing to call get42'
get_processed_object(url, token, 'identitystorlet-1.0.jar', 'myobjects', 'source.txt', True)

Here is the result of the running the above python script:

eranr@lnx-ccs8:/tmp$ python
Identity Storlet invocation without calling get42
    'x-object-meta-x-object-meta-testkey': 'tester',
    'transfer-encoding': 'chunked',
    'accept-ranges': 'bytes',
    'x-object-meta-testkey': 'tester',
    'last-modified': 'Tue, 30 Sep 2014 22:07:42 GMT',
    'etag': '8ca2a24dbd9779d462c66866c0fb90c3',
    'x-timestamp': '1412114861.90504',
    'x-trans-id': 'tx464a488a618e44b5b763d-00542baa25',
    'date': 'Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:15:50 GMT',
    'x-object-meta-type': 'SBUS_FD_INPUT_OBJECT',
    'content-type': 'application/octet-stream'
Some content to copy
Identity Storlet invocation instructing to call get42
    'x-object-meta-execution result': '42',
    'x-object-meta-x-object-meta-testkey': 'tester',
    'transfer-encoding': 'chunked',
    'accept-ranges': 'bytes',
    'x-object-meta-testkey': 'tester',
    'last-modified': 'Tue, 30 Sep 2014 22:07:42 GMT',
    'etag': '8ca2a24dbd9779d462c66866c0fb90c3',
    'x-timestamp': '1412114861.90504',
    'x-trans-id': 'tx12a4f2a168804dcabf8fc-00542baa26',
    'date': 'Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:15:50 GMT',
    'x-object-meta-type': 'SBUS_FD_INPUT_OBJECT',
    'content-type': 'application/octet-stream'
Some content to copy

We now show a download of the log file generated per the X-Storlet-Generate-Log header. Again, we use the swift client assuming we have the appropriate environment variables in place.

Note that the log reflects the two invocations done above.

eranr@lnx-ccs8:/tmp$ swift download storletlog identitystorlet.log
identitystorlet.log [headers 0.243s, total 0.243s, 0.001 MB/s]
eranr@lnx-ccs8:/tmp$ cat identitystorlet.log
About to invoke storlet
IdentityStorlet Invoked
Storlet invocation done
About to invoke storlet
IdentityStorlet Invoked
Exec = /home/swift/identitystorlet/get42
Exit code = 42
Storlet invocation done

Invocation on PUT

the code below shows the invocation. Some notes:

  1. As with the GET example there are invocations with and without a parameter controlling whether the get42 binary dependency is to be called. After each put we do a GET and print the response headers to show the difference between the invocations. See below.
  2. As with the GET example we add the X-Run-Storlet header.
  3. This time we do not add the X-Generate-Log header, which is the recommended way, as it saves a creation of an object.
import random
import string
from swiftclient import client as c

def put_processed_object(url, token, storlet_name, container_name, object_name, file_name_to_upload, invoke_get42 = False):
    headers = {'X-Run-Storlet': storlet_name,
               'X-Storlet-Generate-Log' : 'True'}
    if (invoke_get42 == True):
        querystring = 'execute=true'
        querystring = None

    fileobj = open(file_name_to_upload,'r')
    random_md = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(32))
    headers = {'X-Run-Storlet': 'identitystorlet-1.0.jar', 'X-Object-Meta-Testkey' : random_md}
                 headers = headers,
                 query_string = querystring,

    resp_headers, saved_content = c.get_object(
    print resp_headers

AUTH_IP = ''
AUTH_PORT = '5000'
ACCOUNT = 'service'
USER_NAME = 'swift'
PASSWORD = 'passw0rd'
os_options = {'tenant_name': ACCOUNT}

url, token = c.get_auth("http://" + AUTH_IP + ":" + AUTH_PORT + "/v2.0", ACCOUNT +":"+USER_NAME, PASSWORD, os_options = os_options, auth_version="2.0")
print 'Identity Storlet invocation without calling get42'
put_processed_object(url, token, 'identitystorlet-1.0.jar', 'myobjects', 'source.txt', '/tmp/source.txt')
print 'Identity Storlet invocation instructing to call get42'
put_processed_object(url, token, 'identitystorlet-1.0.jar', 'myobjects', 'source.txt', '/tmp/source.txt' , True)

Here is the result of the running the above python script:

eranr@lnx-ccs8:/tmp$ python
Identity Storlet invocation without calling get42
    'content-length': '1024',
    'x-object-meta-x-object-meta-testkey': '1185FZ5FPQ1WXS9IDT4TZZB6GYAQQ0WL',
    'accept-ranges': 'bytes',
    'x-object-meta-testkey': '1185FZ5FPQ1WXS9IDT4TZZB6GYAQQ0WL',
    'last-modified': 'Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:48:56 GMT',
    'etag': '7575c5b098f45ccabce1c3f7fc906eb9',
    'x-timestamp': '1412149735.87168',
    'x-trans-id': 'tx9a27ba91bee34a8ca9f0c-00542bb1e7',
    'date': 'Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:48:55 GMT',
    'x-object-meta-type': 'SBUS_FD_INPUT_OBJECT',
    'content-type': 'text/plain'
Identity Storlet invocation instructing to call get42
    'x-object-meta-execution result': '42',
    'content-length': '1024',
    'x-object-meta-x-object-meta-testkey': '54YA1EDTTODMBUJOYCHEGSOQQPV0180L', // This looks like a bug
    'accept-ranges': 'bytes',
    'x-object-meta-testkey': '54YA1EDTTODMBUJOYCHEGSOQQPV0180L',
    'last-modified': 'Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:48:56 GMT',
    'etag': '7575c5b098f45ccabce1c3f7fc906eb9',
    'x-timestamp': '1412149735.97100',
    'x-trans-id': 'txde8619a966c14b0c99d97-00542bb1e8',
    'date': 'Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:48:56 GMT',
    'x-object-meta-type': 'SBUS_FD_INPUT_OBJECT',
    'content-type': 'text/plain'